InMotion February 2023 – Injury Recovery and Return to Work Barriers

Returning to work after a workplace injury can be a challenging process that requires careful attention and support from employers. There are various factors that can impact an injured worker’s motivation to return to work, including the severity of the injury, the level of pain, the worker’s financial situation, and their personal circumstances, among others.

Employers play a critical role in supporting injured workers and facilitating their return to work. Identifying potential barriers to good RTW outcomes is an important step for employers to take. Some common barriers include inadequate accommodations, a lack of understanding about the worker’s injury or limitations, financial concerns, and psychological factors such as fear or anxiety. By understanding and addressing these potential barriers, employers can create a supportive and positive environment that encourages injured workers to return to work and promotes their overall health and wellbeing.

In this edition of InMotion we will use a case study to explore some of the issues that impact injury recovery and provide some invaluable insights into navigating the barriers to successful RTW outcomes.